Our Mission
E-MILE stands for: E- Encouraging You, M – Motivating You, I – Inspiring You, L – Listening to You, E – Empowering You!
Our mission at E-MILE is to encourage, motivate, inspire, listen, and empower disadvantaged and under-served youth to reach their full potential as productive and responsible citizens. To enhance and develop their gifts and talents, bringing to full fruition their own unique set of skills and abilities. To foster mutual respect and appreciation of cultural differences, cultivating self-acceptance and love for others. To walk with them until they reach a level of independence and maturity while helping them excel academically and socially.
We have a variety of programs to help and encourage our youth in their pursuit of transformation and success.
Bully Me No More! – a program designed to empower, support, and listen to children who have been affected by bullying. Bullying is a widespread epidemic that has negatively impacted our schools and communities. The effects of bullying can be catastrophic for everyone involved. With the latest surge in Cyberbullying and school shootings allegedly related to bullying, we must take a proactive approach to combat and prevent these aggressions. Best practices in bullying prevention and intervention will be used to curtail this social ill with high hopes of one day eliminating it.
Access to: Support Groups, Peer Counseling, Professional Counseling referrals and more.
I’m Unique – a mentorship program for girls ages 8-18 is designed to inspire, motivate, build self-esteem, and self-acceptance. Volunteers serve as caring, committed and trustworthy resources to enlighten the paths, educate, counsel, and empower young girls on the road to a brighter future.
123 I Love Me! – a mentorship program for boys ages 9 -16 is designed to inspire, motivate, build self-esteem, and self-acceptance. Volunteers serve as caring, committed and trustworthy resources to enlighten the paths, educate, counsel, and empower young boys on the road to a brighter future.
Seniors Cove – a program designed to bridge the gap between the youth and senior citizens. The intergenerational program provides opportunities for the youth to connect with senior citizens through discourse, positive exchanges, and activities that foster understanding between two generations and promote senior care.
U-Talk (Youth Talks) – Conversations with Teens, You Talk We Listen
Morning Java – a monthly group sessions for parents that allows them the opportunity to a relaxing time to Sip and Chat

Get Involved
E-MILE, has a variety of youth programs to help those in need. In our efforts we are in need of talented, knowledgeable professionals and volunteers to help with each of our individual programs.
How can you help?
We are in need of educators, tutors, life coaches, big brothers/sisters, counselors and business and community volunteers to provide services to those in need. If you or anyone you know is interested helping and encouraging our youth get in contact with us. For more information and job descriptions please visit our Volunteer Section.
E-MILE, has a variety of youth programs to help those in need. In our efforts we are in need of talented, knowledgeable professionals and volunteers to help with each of our individual programs. How you can help today.
Be a General Volunteer
Being a general volunteer, you will be a part of many of our programs and involved in taking care of and managing our services. Duties may include: General office work, making flyers, organizing files.
Be a Staff Volunteer
Being a part of our staff, you will be involved in one or two of our Youth Programs. You will be taking part in encouraging, teaching, and counseling our youth via our programs.
To volunteer and join our staff:
Please e-mail us your resume and qualifications to the e-mail below to get involved today. When e-mailing, in the subject heading, please add, "E-MILE - General Volunteer" if you are interested in general volunteer work not related to a specific program; And add "E-MILE Staff Position" if you are interested in being a part of our staff.
For Volunteer Opportunities please email us at: info@emile-you.org

Your generous donation to E-MILE, Inc. will help us deliver programs and services that promote healthy youth development, strengthen and support families in need and empower our participants to actualize their maximum potential to become vital contributing members of their communities.
Click the button to below to make a donation.
Contact Us
General Questions:
Find out more about on our organization and programs you have an interest in and how you can help make a difference in the lifes our youth.
For Info Please Email us at: info@emile-you.org

Contact Us
General Questions:
Find out more about on our organization and programs you have an interest in and how you can help make a difference in the lifes our youth.
For Info Please Email us at: info@emile-you Dot org

Since 1993
Your generous donation to E-MILE, Inc. will help us deliver programs and services that promote healthy youth development, strengthen and support families in need and empower our participants to actualize their maximum potential to become vital contributing members of their communities.
Click the button to below to make a donation.
Contact Us
General Questions:
Find out more about on our organization and programs you have an interest in and how you can help make a difference in the lifes our youth.
For Info Please Email us at: info AT emile-you Dot org
Since 1993

E-MILE, has a variety of youth programs to help those in need. In our efforts we are in need of talented, knowledgeable professionals and volunteers to help with each of our individual programs. How you can help today.
Be a General Volunteer
Being a general volunteer, you will be a part of many of our programs and involved in taking care of and managing our services. Duties may include: General office work, making flyers, organizing files.
Be a Staff Volunteer
Being a part of our staff, you will be involved in one or two of our Youth Programs. You will be taking part in encouraging, teaching, and counseling our youth via our programs.
To volunteer and join our staff:
Please e-mail us your resume and qualifications to the e-mail below to get involved today. When e-mailing, in the subject heading, please add, "E-MILE - General Volunteer" if you are interested in general volunteer work not related to a specific program; And add "E-MILE Staff Position" if you are interested in being a part of our staff.
For Volunteer Opportunities please email us at: info@emile-you.org
Since 1993